Make your voice heard

Academia is built on structures which keep those with power in power. As a consequence, many of us are positoned as 'different' (e.g. for reasons to do with race, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, class). This also means we are often silenced or marginalised. There are systems and cultures in place which enable this to happen. The aim of this blog is to provide a space where we can challenge these power structures and speak out against these inequalities. This blog is for anyone who has experienced or witnessed, is experiencing or witnessing, inequality in academia (irrespective of position). This is a site where we can make our voices heard. This is intended as both a way to realise that we are not alone in our experiences and as a mechanism through which we can challenge these power structures. Tell your stories here by using the posts below.
The blogs below list some of the topics that have been raised in conversations I have had and through personal experience. If there are other topics that you think need to be included please let me know.

Anonymity on this blog

While email addresses are not displayed or available to me, a user name is shown if you log in, so keep your identity confidential and be creative with your user name! Or you can post as anonymous. (I would also caution against publicly naming your institution or department). ...... If you would prefer not to log in, email me your story, and I can add it to the blog.


There are times when I find this so overwhelmingly depressing, and then I am reminded that it is important to be able to keep a sense of humour.  Finding things to laugh at have helped keep me sane.  Here is a space where we can perhaps share some of those funnier moments.  My favourite at the moment was the email I was going to send to the VC subject: PMT. Dear VC, It is a month since I last emailed you and I am now really annoyed...:).  Reclaiming things which have positioned us as negative, and then making them funny has been a great coping strategy for me.  But I am interested to hear your stories. share them here...

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